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Mucoid Plague and Colon Cleansing

Mucoid plaque or mucoid rope is a term named by Richard Anderson, a naturopath and entrepreneur, describing a harmful coating of mucus-like material which exists in the gastrointestinal tracts of most people. Usually many times mucoid plague have been mentioned as one of the substance that is removed from the body after a colon cleanse.

The colon is the exit way for toxins to get out from our body. Sometimes we encounter problems like constipation and we wonder if we had lack of certain food. On the other hand, it may be the reason that we had mucous formation in the colon area that, when it grows, it obstructs the way for toxins to travel out from our body. When toxins can�t get out, it gets clogged up at the colon.

How does the colon get mucoid plaque? Mucoid plaque formation comes from: intake of pasteurized milk, consumption of flour and processed foods, intake of drugs, stress, unhealthy and unnatural foods, and constipation.

If mucoid plaque gets accumulated, it prevents the colon from functioning effectively. It attracts toxins and eventually builds up the large amount of toxins.

During colon cleansing, the most important thing is to ensure we remove the mucoid plaque from our body. If the mucoid plaque is not removed, it will bring a lot of health problems such as:

  • Constipation
  • Lowering the efficiency of the intestines
  • Malnutrition or causing malnourishment
  • Circulates toxins into the bloodstream that travels around the entire body affecting other organs
  • Encourage and forms a breeding ground for bacteria�s, pathogens and parasites

Although it is difficult, try to drink down the entire glass of salt water. The salt water will not be absorbed by your body but instead, it will push the water out from our body. Salt water flush is the cheapest and easiest cleansing regimen for the colon cleansing if you do not want to spend money on colonics or enema. Some might prefer this method to be a safer way as colonics irrigation can cause death.

After salt water flush - please do remember to take probiotic after salt water cleanse as it will tend to make our body lose supplements and good bacteria�s. The lost bacteria will be replenished by probiotic or probiotic food such as kefir and yoghurt.

Recommended colon cleanser - Bowtrol is one of the best colon cleansers that are entirely fiber-based and natural. It is useful to treat candida, constipation, loose stool or diarrhea.

Bowtrol Colon Cleanser

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