Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet

Foods for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet. One out of every five adults in the United States is diagnosed of a medical condition called Irritable Bowel Syndrome. IBS is basically a digestive disorder, and for a lay man it is nothing but an upset or unsettled stomach. The commonest symptoms associated with IBS include cramps, stomach pain and alteration in the routine bowel functions. A person suffering from IBS may also complain of having gas, bloated stomach, severe constipation or loose motions.

This abdominal mayhem being compulsive functional in nature, does not exhibit any abnormalities in the blood samples or the X-ray reports of the patients. This medical condition can be handled by the intake of appropriate Irritable Bowel Syndrome diet.

The characteristic symptoms of IBS sustain for at least 10-12 weeks in a year. Common symptoms include:

  • Severe pain in abdominal region or in the stomach. Passing of motions, usually relieves the sufferer from this acute pain.
  • Extreme changes in the normal bowel functions.
  • Improper digestion of food and complete loss of appetite.
  • Acute back pain.

In order to fight IBS, one needs to switch to a proper Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet.

Some organic and natural remedies include:

Intake of Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is well-known for its ability to lessen the abdominal pains and stomach cramps. It even lowers the feeling of being bloated, which is an inevitable characteristic of this disorder. Peppermint is basically an ayurvedic herb that helps in the releasing of the gas accumulated in the stomach. Even medical reports illustrate that peppermint is more effective as compared to any other sort of local remedies. Though the peppermint oil is available in several forms but it should necessarily be taken only in the capsule form in order to prevent heartburn. An overdose of this oil can result in heart ailments, vomiting, kidney failures, brain disorders and even death in some severe cases.

Use of Probiotic Supplements

Various live bacteria are found in the human digestive zones as well as vaginal area. These natural and friendly micro organisms are called Probiotic and are extremely useful as they boost our immune system by restricting the growth of destructive and harmful bacteria. They also protect our digestive tracts and endorse the Vitamin K production in our body. Those suffering from IBS have an unbalance of these friendly bacteria and gas-producing destructive bacteria. The doses of ‘B. infants’ medication or any other kind of probiotic supplements experience relatively lesser gas problems, bowel irritations and abdominal pains.

Diet Restrictions

Many people who suffer from IBS are unable to tolerate some particular food categories including dairy products, alcohol, grains, wheat, pulses and caffeine. It has been noticed that food intolerance gradually turns into Irritable Bowel Syndrome by activating several inflammatory immune reactions. Hence a balanced Irritable Bowel Syndrome diet should be chosen by excluding the intolerant foods. Thorough chewing of grains is important as food-grains are one of the major trigger factors.

All these remedies can be real helpful in dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome but it is always safe to seek medical advice from expert specialists dealing specifically with IBS.